1. Beauty of love

Love is Everywhere. We all have love towards our parents, friends and family. But We all waited to shower our entire love on that one special person in life.  Love is just loving not hating. Love is made up of cute caring, affection, one will stand for another, being together in every situation, taking part of each other's life equally, protective possessiveness. Love is sacred. It is not enough to define what love is. Love is one of the most precious gifts given by nature to us.

Most couples fight until their love succeeds. When love succeeds They forget its fruitfulness till one or two year. Some couples do not realize completely what is love? If they realize it won't make the relationship to breakup. The break up makes one of the couple completely broken.

We know How food, shelter is important and how much love is important to live our life. 

Love is everywhere. Love is combined with both happiness and sadness. But We joined our hands together and we should face it together. True love never leaves at any stage.

 Everywhere we need to face problems. It may be your profession, may be your passion and also in your relationships. But the way we see and come out of the problem is important. Love has both happiness and pain. We need to manage equally. 

 Love helps to lead our life with full success and happiness.

 But Nowadays not everyone realizes the value of love. It just becomes a time pass. 

Does everyone realize the value of love? Does everyone utilize love?

My Story:

 I'm the type of girl who loves to know what love is and waiting for my love. I met my love. He is very sweet and cute by heart. Such an awesome soul fighting with sight challenges. He rejects my love as he is in love with me.

Few lovers fight continuously for affection, Few lovers wait for their love, Few lovers never let their love go, More types of love and lovers are there.


The way of loving can change, love never change


2. Value of Teachers

    Teachers are the best and benevolent souls in the world. Because Teachers are one of the professionals who are serving with full dedication. Teachers are one who stand in the same place but showering their entire talents through teaching. 



    Mother is the first person to teach each and every minute to her child. Teachers will take care of each and every student as their own children. Teachers alone teach good things to every student without any hesitation and expectation.

My experience:
  • I went to class one day late. My teacher gave me the punishment that I should stand outside the whole day. From that I learned how time is very important in our life. Punishment is something given to us to realize our mistake and not to do that mistake again.
  • My teacher asked us to participate in annual day competitions. I gave my participation in creative writing but I lost the prize. My teacher corrects my mistakes and motivates me. I learned perfectly what creative writing is?  Our talent is to show who we are not only to get prizes and awards. If we are dedicated to our talents one day it definitely makes us proud of ourselves. I learned this from my teacher. Teachers, who not only teach the lesson given in our syllabus but also the lesson which we necessarily want in our day to day life.
  • Teachers are composed with strictness, care, love and affection. Because they carved each and every student. 
  • Teachers take half of the part in each student's success.
Teachers are the one who warn us not to make mistakes and motivate us in our downs.

Some of the best examples for Student-Teacher Relations:
In Mythology:
  1. Dronacharya - Arjuna
  2. Parushuram - Bhisma
In History:

  1. Aristotle - Alexander The Great
  2. Annie Sullivan - Helen Keller
    Nowadays we are not realizing the value of teachers because we learned a lot from the Internet. But remember "No machine can replace & teach like a human. Respect Your Teachers. No matter what subject or what class they are. If they didn't teach ABCD you can't learn anything, So respect all teachers from your childhood days.



3. All are Equal - Unity is Strength

    Our Earth is the only reason to make us unite, but are we united?

    This question is not only for Asian, African, American, etc.  This is for each and every human being in this  world. Are we all united in this universe?

 I don't know if God is there or not? But I'm certain that some superstitious power is there to control us. Because each and every person comes into life equally. We all gave birth to the Earth by our Mother. No one was born superstitiously, No one jumped from the sky, no one came by splitting the earth. So we all know we are all equal. Does everyone realize that all are equal? No one realizes that all are equal. that all are human beings. But still we are arrested by our society, tradition, culture, religion, caste, language, appearance, beauty, rules, financial status (rich, poor). We never realize that society is to unite us, not to separate us. We should realize that nothing is more important than humanity. Each and every corner of the earth teaches through disaster and natural resources that money isn't important, only Humanity saves you. Our importance towards money, religion, discrimination, financial status only destroy us. We should remember that to nature we are all equal, it treats us equally in all situations. It never shows partiality, it never judges by our color, financial status, short height,... If Tsunami comes, we all should face it. If rain showers everyone can enjoy, if trees give fruit everyone can enjoy, if trees give fruit everyone can taste it. So we all should realize that all are our friends and family, not only inside our country, state, district, village but also each and every corner of the universe.

    We are living in a circle drawn by us. Universe is big and immeasurable but our life is a part of our journey. We are unable to live more than 150-200 years. This moment may also be our last minute in this earth. We are not sure that we may have another birth on this universe. Realize all are equal, so share your life in this birth. Don't hurt others. Make your surroundings happy.